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I Can’t Pay My Bills After an Accident With a Lyft Vehicle*

Drivers are often in a hurry. If they have got a call for a ride they race to meet the customer. The faster they deliver a customer to a destination, the sooner they can look for the next one. This means that drivers sometimes cause accidents. If you have been hit and injured by a driver, you may be able to recover compensation to pay all the bills that may inevitably appear. You will need evidence that the other driver was at fault but you may be able to claim for medical bills, property damage and lost earnings at the very least.

Medical Bills After an Accident With a Vehicle

Medical bills after any kind of traffic accident depend on how serious your injury was. You are advised to see a doctor even if the accident was minor. Some injuries only reveal themselves later on, many hours or even days after the actual accident. Any kind of traffic accident may mean significant medical bills. The following are examples of what you might have to pay for:

  • doctor’s fees;
  • tests e.g. blood tests, x-rays, soft tissue scans, biopsies;
  • hospital bed and food;
  • surgery, including possible need for anesthesia;
  • specialist treatment;
  • support equipment e.g. casts, bandages, splints, pins, crutches and wheelchairs;
  • medication and drugs.

Property Damage Bills After an Accident

The main damage done to property is what has happened to your vehicle in the crash. You may need to pay for it to be towed away. If the car can be repaired, it could mean bills for parts and labor costs. If the damage is serious, it may be cheaper to replace the vehicle altogether. A successful PI claim may be able help to pay all these bills and, if necessary, pay for a replacement vehicle.

How a PI Claim Can Help Pay Bills After an Accident

Drivers should have insurance to cover accident claims against them. If you can provide evidence that the driver was at fault, then you may be able to obtain compensation through the driver’s insurance. A personal injury claim should pay all medical and property damage bills as long as they are documented carefully. Most PI claims also include lost earnings because you had to take time away from work as well as a component for “non-economic” damages. These include compensation for pain and suffering and possibly punitive damages if the driver’s driving was proven to be excessively negligent.

Why Working With a Lawyer Makes Sense

It is always advisable to talk to a PI lawyer after a car crash in which you were injured because of someone else’s poor driving. Most PI lawyers at least provide a free initial consultation. If there is a good chance of getting a successful outcome with a PI claim, legal fees are usually delayed until a payment is obtained.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Lyft, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

Additional Resources

  • Who Should You Sue After an Accident with a Lyft Driver
  • A Free Personal Injury Evaluation!