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I Can’t Pay My Bills After I Was Hit as a Pedestrian

One of the top injuries in the country is caused to pedestrians, many of which are not their fault. Pedestrians are typically careful enough to cross roads at crosswalks and use sidewalks when waling from place to place. Invariably though, drivers are not as careful as pedestrians. When they lose control of their vehicles when pedestrians are nearby they could get seriously injured if a driver hits the sidewalk or fails to stop at a crosswalk when pedestrians are on it.

If you were a pedestrian on a side walk, in a parking lot, on a crosswalk, or any other place where pedestrians should find it safe to walk, but you were hit and seriously injured by a driver in a vehicle you may be entitled to file a PI claim to cover the cost of the bills that are presented to you as a result of an accident.

Medical Bills After Being Hit as a Pedestrian

Pedestrians are invariably injured more seriously than other victims of accidents involving vehicles. That means there are more medical bills to pay. These could include the cost of the ambulance to reach a hospital, the physician’s fees, the cost of blood tests, x-rays and scans as required, surgery if internal injuries have to be repaired, anesthesia while in surgery and medications taken throughout the healing process.

I Can’t Pay My Bills After I Was Hit as a Pedestrian

Property Damage Bills After Being Hit as a Pedestrian

If you were carrying a camera, a laptop or even wearing an expensive pair of prescription glasses and all these items were damaged in an accident you were involved in as a pedestrian you may be able to include them in a PI claim. You will need to have evidence showing you were carrying these items at the time and they were damaged or completely destroyed in the accident.

How a PI Claim Can Help Pay Bills After Being Hit as a Pedestrian

A PI claim can help pay you for the cost of your medical treatment, loss of earnings while you are being treated and compensation for any property you were carrying at the time which was either seriously damaged or totally destroyed. You may even receive a cash payment based on the pain and suffering you have had to endure as a result of an accident as a pedestrian that was not your fault.

To win a PI claim, you will need to be able to come up with the evidence proving who caused the accident. These could be in the form of reports written by eye witnesses, the police report compiled at the time of the accident and your physician’s report describing your injuries and likely recovery time.

Working With a Lawyer

In this situation a personal injury lawyer is invaluable at working on your behalf to negotiate a successful PI settlement to cover the cost of your unexpected expenses caused in a pedestrian accident that was not your fault.

Additional Resources