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I Can’t Pay My Bills After an Accident Merging on a Highway

Merging accidents on highways are commonplace. They happen when the merging driver fails to anticipate traffic conditions correctly. Typically, these accidents happen when the merging driver is distracted, is too tired to maneuver the vehicle safely or is drunk or has been affected by drugs.

A merging accident can cause expensive injuries and damage to your vehicle. If you have proof that the merging driver was at fault you may be able to recover the full cost of the accident by pursuing a personal injury claim with the driver’s insurer. Talk to a personal injury lawyer before filing your claim.

Medical Bills After a Merging Accident

If you have been injured as a result of a merging accident you may face quite expensive bills which you may find are too hard to pay. These could include any combination of the following;

  • ambulance costs;
  • • doctor’s consultation fee;
  • visits to hospital;
  • examinations and x-rays;
  • surgery;
  • anesthesia;
  • medication;
  • long term treatment and support if necessary;
  • lost earnings.

I Can’t Pay My Bills After an Accident Merging on a Highway

Property Damage Bills After a Merging Accident

In addition to the cost of injuries, there are bills that have to be paid to repair or even replace your own vehicle. Even if the accident happens in your own home state and it is a no-fault state for minor injuries, your PIP insurance does not cover property damage for which you have to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurer. Bills for damage include:

  • the cost of towing your vehicle away if it is not possible to drive it;
  • cost of labor billed for the repair of the vehicle;
  • replacement of spare parts or the full cost of replacement if the vehicle has been totaled;
  • cost of replacing any other property that was damaged in the crash such as electronic gadgetry, music system etc.

How a PI Claim Can Help Pay Bills After a Merging Accident

A personal injury claim directed to the merging driver’s insurer can help pay all the bills you are facing due to an accident that was not your fault. You will need proof that the accident was due to negligent driving on the part of the merging drier and documentary evidence of how much your medical and property bills have cost you or likely to cost you.

You should include as much evidence as you can obtain to prove that the merging driver was at fault. That can include statements from eye witnesses who saw what happened, the damage report from the car repair yard, a police accident report any other evidence you may be able to obtain by yourself such as photos at the crash scene.

Working With a PI Lawyer

If you are considering filing a personal injury claim, you should not avoid seeking legal help. Most PI lawyers will offer a free consultation to discuss your accident and the possibility of claiming compensation. If you have good grounds to sue the driver who hit you, you should leave negotiations to the PI lawyer. Most PI lawyers will defer any legal fees until a payment has been arranged.