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I Can’t Pay My Bills After a No Turn Signal Accident - What Should I Do?

When a driver forgets to give a turn signal and causes an accident with another vehicle, the chances are the driver and/or passengers are likely to be seriously injured, depending on how fast the vehicles were being driven at the time. This means they are most likely to suffer financial hardship as they will be faced with bills for medical treatment and car repairs, let alone losing the chance of earning an income while recovering. If this has happened to you, and you believe that the accident was due to the failure of the other driver to give a turn signal, you may be in the position to recover damages by filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver.

Medical Bills After a No Turn Signal Accident

Anyone who has been injured in a car accident because the other driver failed to make a turn signal may face paying bills for medical treatment over a long period of time. Many medical costs are determined by what service needs to be used and could include all or some of the following:

  • the ambulance fee;
  • physician’s fees;
  • x-rays and scans;
  • blood tests;
  • hospital visits;
  • surgery;
  • anesthesia before surgery;
  • transport to and from hospital;
  • medication.

Property Damage Bills After a No Turn Signal Accident

If your vehicle is damaged so seriously that you or anyone else can’t drive it home you will need to call a tow truck for assistance. Your vehicle will be taken to a car repair yard for an estimate of the cost of repairs. So those are two bills you could be faced with. However, they can be included in your PI claim.

How a PI Claim Can Help Pay Bills After a No Turn Signal Accident

A PI claim should cover the cost of all your bills associated with the accident including your medical treatment, any repairs that need to be done to your car, the earnings you have lost because you are unable to go to work, non- monetary compensation for the pain and suffering you have had to endure as a result of an accident that was not your fault.

In order to get all these bills paid you will need to furnish evidence that shows the driver who did not give a turn signal caused your accident. This could include the police officer’s accident report, .eye-witness statements and any photographic evidence you have.

I Can’t Pay My Bills After a No Turn Signal Accident - What Should I Do?

Working With a Lawyer

It may all seem quite straightforward to you, but insurers are always looking at ways to not make pay PI claims. A PI claim is more likely to be successful if a PI lawyer helps you through the process. S/he will present the evidence in just the right way so that it is almost impossible to dispute and you will end up with a much better settlement than if you tried to win the PI claim on your own.