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Indiana’s Driving Laws

When you’re driving in Indiana, you should be using common sense and caution on the road. Unfortunately, that isn’t always enough to avoid an accident.

When you’re on the road, you can fall victim to someone else’s carelessness and get hurt in a collision.

So why follow the rules at all? Simply put, it decreases your chance of ending up in a horrific accident. But it also helps you if you did fall victim to an accident because it puts you in a better position to file a personal injury claim.

Knowing Indiana’s driving laws has the potential to protect you on the road and in the courtroom.

Specific Rules in Indiana

These are several of the rules that you’ll want to pay attention to when you’re driving in Indiana.

  • Seatbelts: Indiana’s seatbelt law extends to the front seat driver and all passengers; they must always be wearing a seatbelt. Children under the age of seven have to be in a child safety restraint system that’s appropriate for the age and size.

  • Drunk driving: You can be convicted for a DUI if you are driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) over 0.08. However, you can actually be arrested even if you’re driving with a BAC of 0.05 or more. Ignition interlock devices (IIDs) are not mandatory for first-time DUI offenders.

  • Open container laws: Drivers and passengers are not allowed to have or imbibe from any open containers of alcohol while in the car. More specifically, open containers of alcohol aren’t allowed in any part of the car that is occupied by people. However, they can can be behind the last upright row of seats (such as in a minivan) or in the trunk of the car.

  • Distracted driving: Indiana defines distracted driving as, “any non-driving activity a motorist engages in that has the potential to distract him or her from the primary task of driving.” Texting and driving is one of those activities, and it’s illegal in Indiana.

  • Indiana Driving Laws Overview

    Distracted Driving and Your Indiana Auto Accident

    If you’re on the highway, there’s a chance that a car could collide with yours and you could end up with a broken leg. After the accident, you may wonder whether there is some form of recourse.

    If it turns out that the driver who hit you was also texting while driving, then that may bolster your case if you choose to file a personal injury claim.

    Indiana is an “at-fault” or tort state when it comes to accidents. This means that when it comes to getting compensation, the person who is determined to be at fault has to pay.

    With this system, it’s crucial to prove who is liable so that you have a better chance of getting compensation. An experienced Indiana personal injury attorney can help you with that.

    Hiring a Personal injury Lawyer

    The idea of hiring a personal injury lawyer for your car accident may initially seem like overkill, and it may also seem intimidating.

    But having a PI attorney puts you in the best possible position to file a successful claim and get the compensation you deserve.

    Additional Resources