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Montana’s Driving Laws

Montana is a picturesque state, one with a big sky and an open road. With all of that natural splendor, it can be easy to forget about the driving laws and get lost in the rhythm of the road. It’s easy to do, but it isn’t safe.

That’s because Montana has its own unique driving laws that you have to pay attention to if you’re driving through the state.

It’s important to be vigilant and follow Montana’s laws, both for your own safety and that of other drivers. Moreover, if you end up in an accident with someone who wasn’t following Montana’s laws and you get injured, you may put yourself in a favorable position for a personal injury claim.

Specific Rules in Montana

These are just a few of the Montana driving rules that you’ll want to know for when you’re out on the road.

  • Seatbelts: All riders age six and over are supposed to wear seat belts in Montana. In practice, it’s a secondary offense, which means that you can’t be pulled over for that alone, but it can become an offense with the addition of another charge.

  • Drunk driving: You can get arrested on a DUI charge in Montana if you’re driving around with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or above. Actually, you can get arrested with a BAC below that if there is sufficient evidence that you were driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. If you’re convicted on a DUI charge, you may have to use an ignition interlock device (IID), though they aren’t mandatory for first-time convictions.

  • Open container laws: If you’re driving in Montana, open containers of alcohol aren’t allowed in the passenger area of a car. However, you can have them in the trunk of your car, a locked storage compartment, or behind the last row of back seats if you’re driving a car without a trunk.

  • Distracted driving: Montana actually doesn’t have any distracted driving laws on the books statewide. However, municipalities and towns may have their own laws limiting the use of handheld devices.

Montana Driving Laws Overview

Drunk Driving Laws and Your Montana Auto Accident

Ideally, you will obey all of these laws and won’t have to deal with any legal problems for not following them. That being said, if someone else breaks these laws and injures you, they may have to deal with some serious consequences.

For example, if someone was drunk while driving and that person hit you, you could end up with broken ribs. That person could be on the hook for paying for your injuries because of his or her own negligence.

Montana is an at-fault (otherwise known as tort) state when it comes to auto insurance. Basically, this means that you can file a claim with the other party’s insurance company or you can file a personal injury claim.

But in order to have a successful claim, you need to be able to prove that the other driver was at fault, and that’s why it’s crucial to have a personal injury attorney.

Hiring a Personal injury Lawyer

It’s surprisingly difficult to prove that another driver was at fault, especially if you don’t have a legal advocate on your side. A Montana car accident attorney will know how to argue your case so that you’re more likely to get the compensation that you deserve.

Focus on your recovery, and let an experienced personal injury attorney take the reigns on your case. It’ll give you both peace of mind and a higher chance of success.