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How To Win a Personal Injury Claim If You Were In a Fender Bender Accident

Fender bender accidents are common. They often don’t lead to injuries of the drivers or the occupants, but they can cause damages that require costly repairs.

Regardless of how minor the accident may seem you should call the police and make sure an accident report is filed. An accident report will serve as the basis of your accident injury claim, and with that report, you can show that there was an accident and that accident caused damages.

The accident report will show the point of impact and indicate visible damages. You should also get photos of the accident scene and of the damages that your vehicle suffered.

The more supporting documentation and evidence that you have, the more likely you are to get your claim on track and recover compensation for your damages. If the other driver was at fault for your fender bender, you will want to pursue a claim against him or her to recover your losses.

Evidence To Help With Your Personal Injury Claim After a Fender Bender

You will need evidence to support your claim. This evidence should include the accident report, photos of the damages, witness statements, and repair estimates for taking care of any damage your vehicle suffered.

You will want to gather evidence to prove that the other driver was at fault for the crash. This may include statements from witnesses, surveillance video that captured the accident, and so forth. You will want to build a convincing case that shows liability and damages.

To have a successful personal injury claim, you will want to prove that the other driver was negligent. As an example, you were stopped and waiting to exit a parking lot and pull out onto the street when a car turning into the parking lot cut too far over and struck your vehicle.

You will need to show that you were adhering to traffic rules, and that the other driver breached his responsibility of safe driving when he or she cut over too far and struck your vehicle. If the other driver hadn’t cut too far over, then your vehicle wouldn’t have been hit and you would not have incurred the damages. All the damages to your vehicle were a direct result of that fender bender.

How To Win a Personal Injury Claim If You Were In a Fender Bender Accident

How a PI Attorney Can Help With Your Accident Claim After a Fender Bender

If you have been involved in a fender bender, you have a limited time to pursue a personal injury claim to recover your damages. If you wait until the statute of limitations expires, you cannot recover compensation for the damages that you suffered. A personal injury attorney can gather supporting evidence and documentation to ensure your claim is on the right track.

Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. This means that you will not have to initially pay out of pocket for the attorney's services. Your lawyer will not get paid until you win your claim. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page today.

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