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Personal Injury - Broken Foot

Slips, trips and falls are some of the most common types of injuries across the United States. Broken bones, especially the limbs, are common injuries that can happen if you fall over unexpectedly. If this has happened to you and you are suffering as a result, you should consider your legal options if the accident happened because of negligence.

There are many reasons why you could slip or trip over and break one or more of your bones. If you can prove that the accident was not your fault and identify who was to blame, then you may be able to claim compensation by filing a personal injury claim.

This is not always an easy process. You may find that you are most likely to recover the sort of compensation you deserve with the help of a professional personal injury attorney. If you have broken your foot at the hands of another party, you should contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Broken Feet and Hands are Common Slip and Fall Injuries

You can break your feet quite easily if you fall over and twist them as they get caught in something on the ground which shouldn’t have been there. The feet and hands are made up of a number of smaller bones that can fracture if unexpected pressure is put on them. Cracks and holes in a road or sidewalk you are crossing or using are typical hazards.

Broken feet and PI claims

You could easily trip over with your foot still caught in a crevice. Heavy weights falling unexpectedly and landing on your feet can also be a cause of crushed or broken foot bones. If you were visiting a construction site, for instance, and had not been advised to wear protective footwear or warned of potential falling objects, then you may be injured.

If your foot or feet have been broken, it may mean that you cannot return to work quickly or you may not be able to complete your normal job requirements. Was the accident that caused the broken foot or other bones your fault? If not, then you should contact a lawyer to see if there is any chance of recovering the full cost of your injuries by filing a claim for compensation.

Personal Injury Claims for Accident Victims With Broken Feet

All states allow accident victims who have been injured seriously through no fault of their own to claim for compensation. However, the procedure is not always straightforward and there is a requirement that you are able to prove who was at fault and how the accident caused your particular injuries.

States also differ in their attitude towards situations where the blame may be shared by the injured person and another party. In some states, you may be able to claim a portion of the compensation you need, while in others, no claim can be made if you are even partly to blame for your own injuries. As broken bone injuries can mean a lot of pain and considerable personal cost, you should consider approaching an experienced personal injury attorney to help you with a claim for compensation.

Personal Injury Attorneys Have the Experience to Help You

Workplace related accidents and slip and fall accidents are commonplace. It is likely that if you have been an accident victim and thinking of seeking legal help, your attorney will have dealt with many similar cases before. He or she will be able to give you a professional opinion whether it is worth filing a personal injury lawsuit and for how much.

Usually, the sooner a claim can be made the better as evidence is likely to be more available and if there were witnesses their memories are fresher. A successful claim depends on how convincing the evidence is against the person at fault.