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Personal Injuries – Facial Injuries

Facial injuries are a common result of many types of accidents and can be expensive to repair. Disfigurement may mean extensive plastic surgery. You could be burned or hurt so severely that you will never look like you did before the accident ever again.

Was the accident your own fault or was someone else to blame? If you were not at-fault yourself and you think you have a good chance of showing who was responsible you should consider taking legal action.

The cost of some facial injuries should not be borne by the victim. Every state permits legal action in the form of a personal injury claim if fault can be proved.

What Type of Accident Could Cause Facial Injuries?

Facial injuries are usually the result of a blow to the face by a hard or sharp object. There are several types of accidents that can cause facial injuries, but probably the most common are road traffic accidents.

If your vehicle is hit by someone else’s, your head may jerk forwards and hit the steering wheel, dashboard or windshield. A well fitting seat belt or airbag should help to protect you, but in some cases you may find that these two safety features fail to work properly.

A badly fitting airbag can even damage your face itself. The windshield could break on impact and the shattered glass splatter your face.

Facial injuries can also be caused by slip, trip and fall type accidents, especially if you fall awkwardly and your face hits something hard or sharp. A falling object or something flying through the air could cause damage in the same way.

In this day and age of drones, the likelihood of more and more facial injuries from drone errors is becoming a reality rather than just science fiction.

Facial Injury Personal Injury Lawyer

Facial Injuries May Mean You Decide to Claim For Compensation

You may decide to seek full and fair compensation for any facial injuries you have suffered if:

  • you are certain that you were not to blame, or at least were not the major cause, of the accident;
  • you are certain that you can prove with evidence who caused the accident;
  • you can prove their fault for the accident that caused your present facial injuries.

In some states, it may not be possible to make a personal injury claim if you were even in a small way to blame for the accident. In others, you may still make a claim, but your award may be reduced according to the degree to which you were considered responsible.

In all states there is a limited time to make a claim. This may be much shorter for any claim against a city or a government agency, department or official.

Use a PI Attorney to Help With Your Claim

You are advised that you are likely to have a better chance of gaining a satisfactory and fair compensation payment if you get reliable advice from an experienced personal injury attorney right from the start.

As evidence is so crucial in determining the outcome of any type of PI claim, the sooner you contact an attorney after recovering from an accident the better.