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Personal Injuries - Whiplash

Accidents can happen anywhere and can affect even the most careful of people. All it takes is a moment of carelessness on the part of someone else and you can end up injured yourself.

Fortunately, most states allow victims of serious injuries caused by an accident which is not their fault to seek a fair amount of compensation in a personal injury claim. If you, or a member of your family, have been injured, you are advised to contact an attorney as soon as you can after the accident has occurred to discuss the possibility of making a claim to recover the likely costs of the injury.

Whiplash is a Common Car Accident Injury

Whiplash is a common injury resulting from a vehicle accident, although it can be caused by any sudden collision e.g. in a violent attack by an assailant. It is an injury that does not always reveal itself or show symptoms until well after the accident itself. The actual symptoms can also be varied in type and severity. Some whiplash sufferers may still feel severe pain after many weeks or months and for an unfortunate few, the condition may be chronic and persist for years.

The usual symptoms include some or all of the following:

  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Lower back pain
  • Pain and weariness
  • Stiffness in the neck

Whiplash due to negligence?

Causes of Whiplash

Most whiplash sufferers are injured in rear end collisions in a vehicle accident. This is by far the most common cause, although not the only one. What seems to happen is that if you are in a vehicle that is bumped from the rear, your head is jerked forward as a result of inertia. It then ‘whips’ back again and as a result of this violent motion, your neck muscles and ligaments are extended further than they normally are, causing the pain.

Unfortunately, the condition is hard to easily diagnose as there is often little obvious external signs that a physician can detect. However, the pain is real enough and it can be severe enough to need treatment and may be sufficient to prevent you from going back to work for a considerable time.

Whiplash Can Mean Unexpected Expenses

A severe pain from an injury like whiplash can have a significant effect on your financial situation. Just having to stay at home and being unable to go to work for possibly weeks could mean a loss of income you just cannot afford. You could be able to receive compensation for damages. This is an unnecessary burden if you are the victim of a car accident which has been caused by someone else’s poor driving. Fortunately, it can be easier to prove that a rear ended collision has been caused by someone else than some other types of vehicle accidents.

As with any other personal injury, it is necessary to prove who was at fault and that a particular accident caused your injury to be able to make a claim.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help With a Whiplash Claim

If you are considering a personal injury claim it would be wise to get help from an experienced accident attorney. A personal injury attorney who has had experience in whiplash injuries will have handled these sorts of cases many times before and will know what your chances are of a successful claim and will be able to help you seek the financial settlement you need to get your life back on track.

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