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Personal Injury - Wrist and Hand Injuries

Wrist and hand injuries are commonly the result of slip and fall type accident. Usually, they will heal with sufficient time and care. Because most people need to use their hands and wrists for work, whatever they do, injuries may mean having to postpone doing any work for a while or not being able to do it as well as normal.

If you are the victim of your own carelessness, then you just have to face the consequences the best way you can, but many accidents are due to someone else’s carelessness. If someone else was to blame for your wrist and hand injuries you may be wise to consider taking legal action against them. If you don’t, you could end up financially a lot worse off than you should be through no fault of your own.

Why are Hand and Wrist Injuries so Common?

It is an instinctive reaction to quickly stretch your arms and hands out in front of you if you slip over unexpectedly. That means that the most likely parts of your body to suffer from an injury are those that strike the ground first. In some ways this is probably a good thing as hand and wrist injuries are not as serious as those to the head and neck.

Broken wrists and PI claims

A typical accident that can easily result in a wrist being strained or hand bones broken is slipping on a slippery floor or tripping over on an uneven surface.

An example of a slip and fall accident is a fast food outlet where employees are not scrupulous enough with clearing spilled food and drinks up from the floor. Most restaurant employees are quick to clear up food garbage that has been dropped on the restaurant floor, but this may depend on how vigilant the manager is. If someone slips over on food wrappers, greasy fries or spilled coffee on the floor, then an employee, the manager, the owners of the outlet, or all of them, may be held liable for any injuries.

Don’t Expect to be Compensated Through a Personal Injury Claim Quickly

If you are injured in any way in an accident that has been definitely caused by careless or negligent action, then don’t expect that you will be given fair payment in compensation without taking legal action. While this does happen, it is more likely that property owners or who they employ to look after their property will try and deny any responsibility.

Even if you have had an obviously bad injury to your hand(s) or wrists or any other part of the body in a fall you may have to fight through the legal system to get any sort of fair payment. If you are unsure whether you have a chance of proving liability and whether you should sue whoever you think was at fault, you should not hesitate to talk to an experienced attorney about your accident.

Personal Injury Attorneys Make it Their Business to Understand the Law

State law does vary somewhat from state to state, but every state allows victims of negligent behavior to file personal injury lawsuits against those considered at fault if they are injured. State personal injury laws are not designed for those who are not versed in the law.

You stand much greater chances of recovering what you think you deserve as a result of an accident for which you are not to blame if you get help from an experienced attorney. Most personal injury claims will reach some sort of settlement without having to go to court, but you are more likely to reach a satisfactory outcome if you contact a lawyer as soon as you can after an accident when evidence and memories are fresher.