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Making a Claim for Battery Damage After a Car Crash

Batteries don’t last forever, but generally they fail gradually and there is plenty of warning that they are getting unreliable. Basically, what usually happens is that the old battery no longer keeps its charge.

Sometimes, a battery can fail quite quickly, often because of a short circuit in the car’s wiring or an alternator failure. A sudden loss of power will mean a failure to fire the spark plugs and the car could then stop suddenly.

Lights at night may dim, flash on and off or fail altogether. Any of these scenarios could cause a nasty car crash and then you would be wondering who or what was to blame. If you think you have been sold a dodgy battery or a faulty alternator installation has caused a battery failure then you may consider filing a claim for the repair bill from whoever was responsible.

The Cost of an Accident When a Battery Has Failed

In the overall scheme of things, replacing a battery doesn’t cost much. You cannot repair an old, tired or faulty battery. They have to be scrapped, but a new one may only cost $100 to $200. The cost of replacing a battery is not the main concern after a car crash, though.

It is what the damage done to the car was that was caused by the faulty battery. This could run into thousands of parts of the car have been badly dented or crumpled. The car may even be a write off.

It would be rare for a faulty battery alone to be the cause of a car crash, but a sudden stopping of a car’s engine because of a battery failure could feasibly be a possibility. The challenge for any meaningful compensation would be determining who or what was at fault, if it wasn’t your fault. Possibilities are the battery distributor where you bought the battery recently, or a garage that did a repair on an alternator, or replaced an alternator for you.

Making a Claim for Battery Damage After a Car Crash

Evidence is Needed to Prove Fault in an Accident Involving a Failed Battery

If you believe that a failed battery caused the crash, you would not only want o be sure who was to blame, if not you and how you could prove it. Evidence is necessary for a claim of this nature, especially if the damage done was substantial and the repair bill is going to be high or if there are injuries involved.

You would need the car to be checked carefully by a car repair yard, assuming that it is in a state that allows a proper inspection. Any signs of failure you noticed before the crash would be helpful.

If you are considering making a claim against a mechanic or garage because of a faulty alternator repair or against the store that sold you the battery then you should be able to provide receipts of purchase or work done. You will need to also have a convincing argument that links them to the car crash itself.

Reasons to Work With a Lawyer

If major damage was done to your car, you will face a huge repair cost to repair or replace the damaged parts, or the whole car if it was a write off. You may have been injured yourself.

You are advised to get legal advice from an experienced personal injury attorney and let them take over negotiations with the insurer concerned if they think you have a good chance of recovering compensation. To speak with an experienced lawyer, fill out the Free Case Evaluation today!

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