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Making a Claim for a Cracked Windshield After a Car Crash

Windshields are an important safety and comfort component of your car. It is practically impossible contemplating driving if your windscreen shatters or cracks as a result of a car crash. The cost of replacing it may not be included in your own insurance so it may be better to claim the replacement cost from the driver whose actions caused your windscreen to crack.

A claim for compensation could save you several hundred dollars and a good deal of anxiety. You shouldn’t have to seek legal action for such a small amount of damage, but if the cracked windscreen is not the only part of your car that suffered during the crash you may find that an attorney can help you claim adequate compensation.

The Cost of an Accident When Your Windshield Shatters

The cost of replacing a cracked or shattered windscreen depends on where you were at the time of the crash and the model of your car. The cost of replacement is the sum of the labor and transport costs and the glass itself. If you were hit in the suburbs of a good sized town or city and you have a mid range vehicle, your new windscreen may cost anywhere between $200 and $500.

The cost can escalate if the windscreen is for a high end model or you are way out in the boondocks when the accident happened, as the cost of transport for the windscreen fitter to come out to you will be relatively high. If you have to have your car towed and it is unusable while a new windscreen is sourced, then these costs should be included in the insurance claim.

Making a Claim for a Cracked Windshield After a Car Crash

Evidence is Needed to Prove Fault in an Accident Involving a Cracked Windshield

Insurers won’t release compensation payments unless there is sufficient evidence that their client was at fault. If there is shared fault then it is best not to admit your side of the fault straight away.

In most states, even if there is shared fault, then you can still claim some of the cost of the damage done. You will find that photos taken of the damage and the position of the two cars involved will be useful evidence. So will any eye witness statements.

Unless the crash causes major traffic problems or someone has been injured, it may be unlikely that police will come to the crash scene, although they must be notified anyway. If they do arrive, they should compile a crash report which can also be used to help support your claim.

Reasons to Work With a Lawyer

If it is just a cracked windscreen that needs replacing and the other driver involved in the crash admits liability, then you shouldn’t need to use a personal injury attorney. Just file the claim with the other driver’s attorney.

Some insurers can decide to make your claim difficult and may even try and challenge your story about their client’s liability. That’s when a personal injury attorney can help with processing your claim. Fill out the Free Case Evaluation to be connected with a lawyer today.

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