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Making a Claim for Spark Plug Damage After a Car Crash

A car accident caused by a spark plug failure would probably rate as a rather rare event, but spark plugs are essential components in a car. When, or if, they fail, they could cause the car to stall suddenly, as it will only be firing on some of its cylinders.

A sudden lurch when driving in heavy, fast moving traffic, or even in a slow, congested, morning commute, can certainly lead to a collision. If this happens you would want to know why the spark plug failed.

If you had had it repacked very recently, then this would be a hint that the spark plug was either the wrong plug fitted by mistake or a defective plug. In either case, you may be able to claim compensation for the cost of the damage done to your car and any injuries that you received as a result of the crash.

As the link between a failed spark plug and a car crash may seem very tenuous at best, it would be sensible to engage the services of an experienced attorney to help you win a claim.

The Cost of an Accident When a Spark Plug Fails

Spark plugs themselves cost very little in the broader scheme of things. Certainly compared to other components in a car, even with labor, replacing the full set of plugs in a typical four or five cylinder car would only set you back $100 to $150.

However, the cost of a single defective spark plug that causes a collision or crash is far higher than just the plug itself. The total cost depends on what exactly was damaged and whether the full cost of spare parts, labor time replacing them or repairing them and the cost of renting a car in the meantime is worth it.

If you are able to claim compensation from the garage that fitted the plugs the last time you got this done, then their insurer may decide that it is cheaper replacing the car with a new one.

Evidence is Needed to Prove Fault in an Accident Involving a Spark Plug Failure

Claiming that a defective spark plug caused a car crash might be quite a challenge. You may have a better chance if you hadn’t bought your own plugs and fitted them yourself as at least you only need to make a claim against a local repair shop rather than against a manufacturer.

Making a Claim for Spark Plug Damage After a Car Crash

Whatever you do, if you do decide to make a claim for compensation, you will need proof that the plug was to blame, or at least the part was defective, or it was the wrong plug fitted by a mechanic the last time it was in the garage and that this defect caused the crash in some way.

Recovering the plug itself will be necessary and this may provide useful clues about whether it was to blame for the car crashing, usually because it stalled at the wrong moment.

As with any crash, eye witness statements and a police report if available and photos taken at the crash scene can help to provide a fuller picture of the events that led to the crash.

Reasons to Work With an Attorney

Proving negligence after a spark plug failure could prove quite a challenge as there would be doubt about the link between a defective plug and a failure of the car to avoid a crash. You would be strongly advised to get legal advice first before filing a claim. A personal injury attorney can help with all aspects of a defective product claim such as this.

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