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No Police Report In an Accident With a Truck

Take a look around you one day when you are traveling by car and notice the large number of trucks that surround you. There are also numerous non-commercial trucks that pose the same safety risks as the safety risks posed by huge commercial trucks. The same safety risks that can cause a vehicle accident.

How you handle a car crash with a truck goes a long way in determining whether your insurance company approves a claim. The most effective insurance claims contain a formal police report, but what happens when there is no police report in an accident with a truck?

Why Would There be No Police Report

Vehicle accidents in general cause considerable stress, so imagine the incredible amount of stress that is triggered by an accident with a truck. Your adrenaline and the adrenaline of the other driver might be ramped up to the point that both of you forget to call the closest police department. The accident might have happened on private property, which means law enforcement has no say about the outcome of an insurance claim.

Another reason for not receiving a police report is that the officer handling the phone call determined the accident wasn’t serious enough to warrant deploying law enforcement resources to the scene. You should always remember to contact law enforcement after a vehicle accident. A formal police report represents your strongest piece of evidence when filing an insurance claim.

No Police Report In an Accident With a Truck

Collecting Persuasive Evidence

In a case where there is no police report, it is your responsibility to gather strong evidence for presenting to your insurance company. Your Smartphone is the most effective tool for gathering evidence, as it can capture images of the crash scene.

You should take several photographs of the surrounding area to show the type of weather that might have had caused the accident. Shoot pics of any damage inflicted on your car, as well as any damage that you can see on the other vehicle. If you suffered any injuries because of the accident, attaching medial documents to an insurance claim is a good idea.

Don’t forget to exchange information with the other driver. Your insurance carrier will want to know the contact information for the other driver, as well as liability insurance coverage information. Although it is anecdotal evidence, interviewing witnesses at the scene of the crash provides support for the physical evidence submitted to your insurance company.

Seek Legal Counsel

A personal injury lawyer who specializes in vehicle accident cases provides two important services. First, an attorney will ensure you submit a compelling claim to your insurance company.

Second, a personal injury lawyer will represent your best interests, if you suffered one or more injuries caused by an accident with a truck. Get your Free Case Evaluation today to get connected to a licensed personal injury attorney who takes cases in your area to determine the best course of legal action.

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