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Underinsured Motorist Totaled My Car

Cars are expensive investments nowadays. It isn’t uncommon for a vehicle to cost $30,000 or more. If you have been hit by an underinsured motorist, then they might not have enough insurance coverage to take care of your losses.

As an example, if you are hit by a driver who has the state minimum insurance coverage and that includes $15,000 for property damage and you have a car with a book value of $50,000, then you will need to pursue a claim with your underinsured motorist coverage to finish paying the cost of your damages.

This might be a challenging claim, so you should consult with a personal injury claim.

What To Do If An Underinsured Motorist Totaled Your Car

If you have been hit by an underinsured motorist, you will need to file an accident report. Stay on the scene of the crash and call the police. Use your smartphone to get photos of the crash scene.

You should get pictures from all angles and be sure to get good images of the damages that your car has sustained. You will need to get a written repair estimate for fixing the damages your vehicle has suffered.

Be sure to establish medical care if you suffered any injuries in the crash. Here are a few pieces of documentation that can help support your claim:

  • Medical bills
  • Prescription receipts
  • Damage estimates
  • Accident report
  • Photos of the accident scene
  • Witness statements

You will need to include all your damages in a single personal injury claim. Otherwise, you will not recoup compensation for your losses suffered in the crash.

Personal injury claims can be challenging, so be sure to maintain documentation that shows all your losses and be sure to maintain evidence that shows all the damages that you suffered.

Underinsured Motorist Totaled My Car

Common Damages Suffered When A Car Is Totaled

You will suffer a variety of damages in the accident. Here are some of the more common damages suffered in such accidents. You will need to be sure that all your damages are included in your claim:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium
  • Future loss of earnings

Your personal injury attorney will review the details of your claim and will determine which damages you suffered as well as the value of each damage and the overall value of your claim after an underinsured motorist totaled your car.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If your car has been totaled by an underinsured motorist, you will need to consult with a personal injury lawyer who is licensed in your state. With the help of an attorney, you are much more likely to have a successful personal injury claim and recoup compensation for your damages.

Schedule your free case review today so you can get your personal injury claim on the right track. You have no upfront costs because personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis.

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