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Underinsured Motorist Hit Me While Texting

Every state has insurance requirements for the drivers who are registered in that state and live there. All states have certain liability insurance requirements while a few make it also mandatory for personal liability cover and underinsured / uninsured motorist cover. An underinsured driver is one who has insufficient insurance cover to pay the claim against him or her in full. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the driver is doing anything illegal as most states only require minimum liability insurance. For example, let’s say you were injured in X state, an

How a PI Attorney Can Help

You may need the services of a PI attorney if you intend pursuing legal action against an underinsured motorist. First you will need to prove negligence. Then you will need to find out what the difference is between the amount the driver’s insurer will pay and what you are claiming. If you file a lawsuit, it may lead to a trial if the driver is not prepared to pay the difference from his / her own assets. It would be difficult to pursue such an action without effective legal representation.

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