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When Do I File a Claim After My Parked Car Was Hit?

Even if you are the safest driver and you use caution when parking your car, always parking it legally, you can still be involved in an accident. If your parked car was hit, you will have damages that require attention.

You don’t want to be responsible for paying the costs out of pocket, so you will need to pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver. That way, you can recover the costs of repairing your vehicle.

If you return to find that your parked car has been hit, you should call the police. You will want to make sure an accident report has been filed. That accident report will prove that your vehicle was damaged and will help provide details surrounding what happened.

You should also get photos of the accident scene as well as of the damages that your vehicle sustained from being hit while parked. Your damages may include towing, a rental car, and the costs of fixing the damages to your vehicle.

Filing a Claim For a Hit Parked Car

Your first step to filing a claim after your vehicle has been hit while parked is to gather supporting evidence and documentation. This will include getting a copy of the accident report, getting copies of any photos of the accident scene and of the damages, and statements from any witnesses. If available, find any surveillance video footage that may have caught the accident on video.

Your first step will be to provide copies of the evidence with a demand letter that you send to the at fault driver and their auto insurer. When you send the demand letter, you are starting the grounds for negotiations.

You should itemize all your damages and then come up with the total value of your claim. That is how much you are asking the insurance to give you to take care of your losses. You should know that this figure will be used for negotiations. You will not be offered the full amount you are asking for your losses.

When Do I File a Claim After My Parked Car Was Hit?

Filing a Claim For a Hit Parked Car

Every state has a statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim after an accident. If you wait too long, you cannot recover damages. Make sure you are aware of your states time limits and get your claim filed before time runs out and you miss your chance to recoup compensation for your losses. If you cannot negotiate a settlement with the insurance company, you will then file a lawsuit.

When you file a lawsuit, the matter will be ruled on by a judge. A judge or a jury will determine the outcome of your claim and will determine how much you should receive as a settlement. Evidence is a necessity for a claim’s success.

How a Lawyer Can Help You File Your Claim

A personal injury attorney will be able to investigate your claim, prove negligence, and gather the supporting documentation that is needed for a successful claim. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you will not have to pay anything upfront or out of pocket. Get your Free Case Evaluation today because time is of the essence.

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