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When Do I File a Claim after an Accident on a Scooter

Scooters have become popular the last few years. There are different types, from very simple small scooters that you get on and push along to more sophisticated electrically powered ones that have become ubiquitous in many of our cities and operated by companies like Lime and Uber.

There are also larger scooters that are more like motorbikes, but differentiated because they all have step-throughs.

Scooters can be good fun and economical to use, but they are potentially more dangerous to use than an enclosed four wheel vehicle. Accidents happen all the time as many drivers fail to allow space around a person on a scooter or pass too close. Most accidents are the fault of the person who hits you, so you have the right to claim damages if you can prove the accident was not your fault.

Filing a Claim

If your scooter was damaged or destroyed and you were injured because of a driver’s negligent actions, you should file a personal injury claim as soon as you are able to do so, assuming that you are able to obtain sufficient evidence that can prove that the accident was someone else’s fault. Not all scooter accidents are due to a collision with another driver. Some scooters have caused accidents because of design faults.

The main damages that you would include in a personal injury claim would include:

• compensation for the damage to your scooter;
• payment for all medical treatment;
• replacement of lost earnings;
• pain and suffering compensation;
• punitive damages if you were hit by a driver showing complete negligence, e.g. drunk driver.

A common accident scenario involving a scooter is a side swipe, when a vehicle passes too close and knocks the scooter rider off his/her machine. Because of the relative size and stability of a scooter, it is often totaled in this type of accident. Scooter rider injuries can be extensive with road rash, head and back injuries and broken bones the most common injuries.

Claim Process

You won’t have much chance of obtaining compensation unless you can obtain sufficient proof that you weren’t at fault in a scooter accident. It is best if you can try and obtain as much evidence as possible at the accident scene, but this might be difficult if you need urgent hospital treatment.

Good examples of evidence that may be used when you submit a personal injury claim include:

• photos taken at the scene of the damage done;
• eye witness statements;
• police report, which should be compiled if there was an injury;
• doctor’s report of your injuries;
• receipts and bills for medical treatment;
• confirmation of lost earnings from employer.

You should try and initiate the claim process as soon as you can, allowing for injuries and treatment. Basically, the sooner you start the claim process, the easier it will be to find evidence, contact eye witnesses, etc. There will be a time limit on claims imposed by the state where the accident took place called the statute of limitations.

This is typically two or three years after the date of the accident.
When Do I File a Claim after an Accident on a Scooter

How a Lawyer Can Help File Your Claim

You are advised to contact a personal injury lawyer when considering filing a personal injury claim. The lawyer will assess the accident you were involved in and suggest how to improve your claim.

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