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What To Do After a Slip And Fall at Chuck E. Cheese*

If you are going to an arcade with your family to eat and have some fun, you expect the premises to be safe and free from risks.

What To Do If You Slip and Fall at an Arcade

From the time you slip and fall, you should start gathering evidence and documentation that show your damages and that detail how you were injured in a slip and fall. Here are a few ways you can protect your rights and gather evidence:

  • You should notify a manager right away. If you have serious injuries, such as a compound fracture, a back injury, or severe bleeding, you will need to call an ambulance. The restaurant should complete an accident report, so be sure to give detailed statements about what happened, how it happened, and the extent of your injuries. You will need to get a copy of this accident report. If an ambulance is called, the police will also complete an incident report.
  • If you can, get photos of the accident scene. Show where and why you fell. This can give your claim a boost and provide evidence to show that the accident could have been avoided if the employees had followed through and properly cleaned and maintained the area.
  • Establish medical care right away. If you don’t establish medical care, then it will be difficult to prove that your injuries were a result of the slip and fall. Maintain all medical records, medical bills, prescription receipts, and receipts for medical devices and so forth.
  • Continue with follow up care and make copies of any physician’s notes that indicate your inability to work or reduced workload as well as any restrictions. Maintain records that indicate your missed work and lost wages, as you will want to ask to be compensated for those losses as well.
  • Ask any witnesses to provide you with written statements. You will need to get the names and contact details for any witnesses as well.

Consult With a Personal Injury Attorney

If you suffered a slip and fall at Chuck E. Cheese or any other arcade or restaurant, you should consult with a personal injury attorney who is licensed in your state. Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, so they will not get paid until your case has been won. You will not have to pay anything out of pocket. There is a strict statute of limitations for pursuing a claim, and the state laws do vary, so let an attorney who is familiar with the regulations represent you.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Chuck E. Cheese or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.