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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Curves International Fitness Center*

Have you slipped over or tripped and fell in a fitness center? These accidents can be quite common, but they shouldn’t happen in a center that takes client safety seriously.

If you think that your accident was avoidable and was caused by negligence, you should consider making a claim for compensation against the center staff or management. A personal injury attorney can advise you and help you with a claim.

Potential Slip and Fall Dangers in a Gym

Every fitness center is equipped with specialized fitness and weight reduction equipment. Slip and fall or trip and fall accidents are most likely to occur in the following sorts of scenarios:

  • Equipment fails due to lack of training on the part of employees
  • Equipment fails or breaks due to poor maintenance
  • Equipment fails or breaks because it is built or rebuilt with shoddy materials or spare parts
  • A wet, slippery floor after cleaning causes someone to slip and fall
  • A loose mat or other floor material causes a slip and fall accident
  • Dim and inadequate lighting causes someone to trip and fall

PI Claims Against a Fitness Center

Personal injury claims are only feasible if there is sufficient proof that someone caused an injury through their negligence. In the case of an injury that results from a slip and fall accident at a fitness center, a possible cause might be the use of a rope that breaks when used during a particular activity.

If the rope had been in poor condition for several weeks, and then suddenly gave way, this might be sufficient evidence that it was an avoidable accident. The rope should have been replaced. In this situation, a personal injury lawsuit may be justified.

An Attorney Can Help With a Lawsuit

A large company will have a team of lawyers ready in the event that something goes wrong. Although you have the option of talking to the center yourself in the hope that they admit that they were to blame, you may find that they are unwilling to admit any fault.

Insurance companies that represent chain fitness centers tend to play hardball with individual accident victims and may even suggest that you were to blame for your own injuries, citing comparative or contributory negligence.

This is when a personal injury attorney who is experienced in slip and fall accidents can help you win your claim. Personal injury attorneys usually work on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay legal fees if the claim is won in your favor.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Curves International, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.