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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Fallas Store*

A serious injury that was sustained in a store or supermarket may not have been your fault. Many accidents seem innocuous but happen because store workers have not been keeping an eye out for potential hazards or simply don’t bother to remove them if they are noticed.

If you are injured through no fault of your own, the cost of medical treatment and any lost earnings may be recovered if you file a personal injury claim against whoever you think was responsible for the accident happening.

This may be a store employee, a manager or the store owner or company itself. It is best to talk to a personal injury attorney before filing a claim.

Slip and Fall Injury Causes in a Discount Store

Store accidents are usually of the slip and fall type. These accidents are relatively more common than other accidents. This is not necessarily because customers wander around without looking where they are going. More commonly, it is because there are potential hazards lurking that cause accidents.

Most of these hazards are avoidable if the store management paid more attention to safety and ensured that hazards were either removed as soon as they became noticed or at least made sure that customers were warned.

The most common hazards are:

  • wet floors, usually after the floor has been mopped or cleaned;
  • floor materials that are inherently slippery;
  • floor materials that are worn and torn or loose and uneven;
  • dim lighting or lighting that is insufficient or faulty;
  • cartons or products that have been left in the aisles or pathways before or during stacking on to shelves;
  • maintenance tools or materials where ongoing repairs are taking place.

Help To Win a Compensation Claim

If you do suffer from an injury due to a slip and fall or trip and fall injury in a clothing store, you will need a personal injury attorney to help you if you think you want to file a personal injury claim against the store.

It is best to discuss the accident, your injuries and whatever evidence you have available well before filing a claim as the attorney will be able to give you an honest opinion whether you have a reasonable chance of obtaining compensation.

The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Fallas Stores, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.