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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Fareway Store*

The ramifications of an accident can go beyond the initial shock and embarrassment. Unexpected accidents can result in serious injuries and financial pressure.

However, there’s no need to be embarrassed or fearful; after all, some accidents are avoidable.

These types of accidents only happen due to negligence. If you slip and fall over in a grocery, for instance, it may be because the supermarket managers or the employees have allowed slippery or messy floors to present a slip hazard.

Any injury that has been caused by negligence on the part of others could lead to a personal injury claim being filed. A personal injury attorney can help negotiate a satisfactory settlement that can help pay for medical bills, replace lost wages, and in some cases, compensate for emotional and psychological suffering.

Slip and Fall Hazards That Can Cause Serious Injuries in a Store

There are several hazards in supermarkets and stores that can cause slip and fall type injuries. Most of these hazards are avoidable if the establishment is well-managed. Most hazards fall into two main categories:

  1. floors that are too slippery. Sometimes, this is due to the design of the floor’s surface or the material used, but more commonly it is because something has spilled onto the ground and hasn’t been cleaned up quickly enough. Some parts of a supermarket tend to be the main spots for leaks and spills, such as the frozen food section, the deli, and the meat and fish sections.
  2. objects left on the floor that can trip up unwary customers. These can be anything from cartons that are being emptied of goods, items that have fallen onto the ground from shelves, tools and maintenance items left around, cables lying in the path of customers and loose, torn, or uneven floor materials.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney if Considering Legal Action

If you have been injured through no fault of your own, you may be considering making a claim for compensation. This can be quite difficult if you decide to try and negotiate directly with the store or supermarket owner’s insurer.

It is far better to contact a personal injury attorney and discuss your accident and legal options as soon as your injuries allow you to do so. Most personal injury attorneys will provide a free initial consultation and defer legal fees until a settlement is won on your behalf.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Fareway, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.