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Injured From a Slip and Fall at Pret A Manger*

Submitted by rtg on

The owners of restaurants like Pret A Manger have a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent slip and falls and other accidents on the premises. You may be eligible for financial compensation if you’ve been injured at Pret A Manger or any other restaurant as a result of a slip and fall that could have been avoided had ownership or management not been negligent. Taking proper steps after the accident and enlisting the help of a personal injury attorney could boost your odds of securing the compensation for which you’re eligible.

Possible Injuries From a Slip and Fall at a Restaurant

A slip and fall has the potential to cause serious injuries that may require costly medical treatment. Said injuries could also prevent someone from working and earning an income during their recovery.

If you’ve been injured from a slip and fall at a restaurant, your injuries may consist of:

  • Head injuries/traumatic brain injuries
  • Fractures
  • Sprains
  • Abrasions

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall At a Restaurant

Knowing what to do (and what not to do) after being injured at Pret A Manger or any other restaurant because of a slip and fall can improve your chances of receiving the compensation for which you may be eligible. After a slip and fall, you should:

  • Check yourself for signs of injury
  • Find an employee and ask to file an accident report
  • Avoid making any statements that could suggest the slip and fall was your fault
  • Refuse to sign a liability waiver until you’ve had a chance to discuss your case with a personal injury lawyer

Check the details of the accident report to confirm they’re accurate. False information in an incident report could harm your case later.

Evidence to Collect

Evidence can play an essential role in a personal injury claim after you’ve been injured from a slip and fall at a restaurant. You can collect evidence by:

  • Taking pictures of the accident scene to document any hazards that caused the slip and fall
  • Getting witness names and contact information
  • Saving all medical documentation

Always see a doctor the day of your accident after being injured from a slip and fall. Even if you don’t think you’ve been hurt, you may have sustained injuries without experiencing symptoms right away.

File a Personal Injury Claim

The insurance of Pret A Manger or any other restaurant where you may be injured from a slip and fall could provide compensation if you can show the slip and fall resulted from ownership’s unreasonable negligence. However, when filing a personal injury claim, it’s critical to understand that the insurance company’s goal may be to settle your case for as little money as possible.

Strongly consider reviewing your case with a personal injury lawyer. An attorney could improve your chances of securing the compensation you deserve. Learn more by taking the Free Case Evaluation today to speak with an independent lawyer who subscribes to the website and may be able to help with your case.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves to provide information only. It is not to be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Pret A Manger, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.