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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Kinko’s/FedEx Office*

An office supply chain is not a spot where you would expect an accident to take place. And in most cases, you would be right.

But the reality is that accidents can happen anywhere, at any office supply chain. Those accidents can be very detrimental; that being said, if they were the fault of the management or employees, there may be grounds for you to file a personal injury claim.

Accidents in shipping stores do not happen very often. However, if you are unfortunate enough to be injured in one of these stores and believe it was the fault of one of the employees, you may be able to recover any expenses with a personal injury lawsuit.

Possible Hazards in an Office Supplies Outlet

Well-managed stores are unlikely to experience serious accidents. When hazards of any type are identified and dealt with promptly, there is no need for legal action against anyone at the store. However, if standards slip, any one of the following injury scenarios may occur.

  • Office supply stores often have quite items sitting on display shelves. These are potentially a hazard, especially if cables that connect to these items are not secured out of the way of feet and legs. If a customer trips over one of these cables and breaks her pelvis, this could lead to a personal injury claim.
  • Often, employees will have a cleaning roster or a contract cleaner to keep the premises clean and tidy. If cleaning liquids are allowed to remain on the floor after cleaning without the presence of a warning notice, this could cause a slip hazard.
  • Elevators, if present, must be kept in good order. If an elevator is allowed to shudder or jolt or come to a stop without being completely level with the outside floor, this could cause someone to fall over and get hurt. This may be grounds for a lawsuit.
  • Stairs can be a hazard in themselves, especially if there is loose carpet on them. Any floor cover that is used on stairs should be non-slippery and firm. If a loose or torn material is present because of lack of repair, this could lead to a personal injury.

Injured? Get Yourself a Lawyer!

A personal injury claim is certainly a sensible option if you face big bills for medical treatment and have lost a lot of earnings while injured.

However, store owners don’t just readily dole out compensation payments. You may be required to show convincing proof that the store worker, or even the manager, was at fault and is liable for the cost of your injuries and perhaps, depending on the state, an amount for pain and suffering.

It can be a lot harder than you think just relying on your own skills as a negotiator. An experienced personal injury attorney may prove invaluable once you have thought about pursuing legal action.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Kinko’s or FedEx Office, you may not be entitled to any compensation.