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Help! I Got Hurt at Joe's Crab Shack. What Do I Do?*

Filing a Claim Following a Slip-and-Fall at a Restaurant

Were you recently injured after an unexpected slip and fall? If so, you are not alone.

Slip and falls happen every day — and every day, people file personal injury claims to receive compensation for their suffering.

If you believe your situation may qualify for a claim, speaking with an attorney is always the next best step.

However, if you’re unsure, continue below to see what personal injury claims are and how they are assessed.

Defining Personal Injury Claims

When you eat out at a restaurant, no matter their reputation, you are relying on them to provide a safe, healthy environment for you.

When an accident occurs, sometimes it is the fault of that establishment for failing to keep you safe. In legal terms, this failure to ensure safety is called “negligence”.

Thus, personal injury claims are filed when an injured person believes someone else’s negligence is what caused them harm.

Analyzing Negligence

Determining if your slip and fall may be the fault of the restaurant’s negligence can be tricky. When looking at your case, there are two good questions you can ask yourself:

  • Did the actions of a restaurant's staff (or the property itself) cause you to fall?
    Examples of this include broken sidewalks, uneven floors, spills of food/drink/grease, or poorly-lit walkways.
  • Could the hazard that caused your fall have been reasonably fixed before the accident?
    For instance, a broken railing by the stairs should reasonably be noticed and fixed by a maintenance crew. However, a sudden leak in a soda machine may have been harder to fix in time.

For instance: say you are walking out of a seafood restaurant when you trip on a bucket left in front of the door by maintenance. If you can answer both questions in this manner:

  • Yes, the maintenance staff who left the bucket in a hazardous spot may have contributed to the fall.
  • Yes, the hazard could have reasonably been removed in time (because it could be argued that it shouldn’t have been there to begin with).

    The nature of the hazard and a lack of action on part of the restaurant’s are both very important factors when determining negligence. If you can answer “yes” to either of these questions when looking at your slip and fall, you could be eligible for a claim.

    Consulting a Personal Injury Attorney

    Even if you’re unsure about whether or not you qualify, speaking with an attorney is always a smart plan.

    They are the best judge on the validity of your claim, and can assist you in taking appropriate legal action if you choose to file.

    If you have questions about personal injury claims or may be interested in filing, speak with a personal injury attorney today.

    *The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Joe's Crab Shack, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.