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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Key Food Store*

Accidents can happen anywhere. You could slip over on a greasy or wet floor, end up on your back, and have to get hospital treatment. Some accidents happen simply due to inattention, but others are due to negligence on the part of the property owner or employees. When hazardous conditions are present in a public pace like a store or supermarket it would be expected that the situation would be made safe as soon as possible. If an injury does occur and it seems that it could have been avoided with more prompt attention, it may be possible to claim compensation from the company or any of its employees who were responsible for the accident. You should get legal advice and help from a personal injury attorney.

There are a number of possible scenarios that could lead to a slip and fall injury in any supermarket. Some accidents are due to inattention and can happen anywhere. Accidents that are due to negligence are usually due to slippery floors or obstacles strewn or lying on the floor that should have been cleared away or removed when noticed by employees. You probably would not be able to claim for an accident that happened just after something had leaked or tumbled on to the floor because there has to be proof that the accident was avoidable.

Slippery floors may be due to recent cleaning, spillages or leaks from containers, pipes or produce. Trip hazards include things that have fallen off the shelves, half empty cartons and shopping carts, cables and wiring that has been used for maintenance or rewiring, tools and maintenance materials that have been left in the path of customers.

These things would normally be restricted or be only a temporary nuisance in a well managed store or supermarket. A personal injury claim is possible following an accident in a store where safety standards are below acceptable.

Legal Help With a Claim After an Avoidable Slip and Fall Injury

Making a claim for compensation is never a straightforward or easy proposition. It is likely that you will meet resistance from the supermarket owners or managers and they may deny that they were to blame and even suggest that your injuries did not happen as you claim or that the accident was not their fault. You will need supporting evidence, eye witnesses if someone saw what happened and an experienced personal injury attorney to help prepare the claim.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Key Food Store, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.