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I Got Hurt at Luby's! What Do I Do?*

Imagine being injured when visiting a well known restaurant chain; why did you get injured? Not every restaurant is careful enough to prevent hazards from occurring. If you had gotten seriously hurt and are sure that it was the restaurant's fault, you should talk to an experienced attorney about it.

You may be able to make a personal injury claim against Luby’s or whatever the restaurant was that allowed an accident to happen. An Injury anywhere can turn out to be quite expensive and there is no reason why you should have to shoulder the burden of these costs if you weren’t to blame.

Accident Scenarios

It’s quite unlikely that you would ever be prepared for a restaurant personal injury. You just don’t expect it to happen. That’s why slip and fall accidents are often worse than you would expect.

If you are lucky, your reflexes may mean just a bruise or two. If you are unlucky you could break one of your bones, suffer a deep gash or blow to the head or end up flat on your back and damage your spine.

There are many different ways you could end up being injured through someone else’s negligence. If you were holding hot food or coffee when you fell over there is also the possibility that you burned or scalded your skin.

These sorts of accidents shouldn’t happen if the restaurant is well cared for and hazards are removed as soon as they appear or at least warning signs are posted so that restaurant patrons can steer clear of them.

It’s much more likely that a slip and fall takes place when the manager is lazy or fails to anticipate the possibility of an accident happening in their own premises. That’s when a personal injury claim against a big restaurant chain is a distinct possibility.

A Claim Can Help Cover Medical Bills

Unexpected injuries, especially if they are severe, can severely dent personal finances and in some cases may be crippling. A personal injury claim against Luby’s or any other restaurant that is to blame for an avoidable accident can help to compensate you for your lost wages, medical bills, and any pain and suffering you incurred.

It’s hard to convince the at-fault party and the insurance company that represents them in these situations and it helps to get the support of an experienced personal injury attorney to pursue your claim on your behalf.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Luby's Restaurants, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.