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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Michael’s Store

When you have been injured in an accident away from home that you didn’t anticipate and didn’t cause, it can be a frustrating and frightening prospect facing the need to recover as well as pay for recovering. Fortunately, as long as you can prove who was at fault, you may be able to recover all of your medical costs and any lost earnings by filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.

A personal injury attorney can help you prepare your case and negotiate a satisfactory settlement on your behalf. Here's what you should do if you were injured while shopping in a Michael's, or any other crafting supply store.

Slip and Fall Dangers in a Store

Michael’s stores, like any other crafting supply store, are unlikely to be any more dangerous than any other large store, but accidents could potentially happen in these craft stores. They might be the result of neglect or carelessness on the part of someone working at the store. Here are some of the potential dangers in a crafting supply store:

  • Goods awaiting packing on shelves in the way of shoppers;
  • Wet floors from recent cleaning;
  • Food, drinks or trash dropped by shoppers but not cleared away promptly;
  • Torn, uneven or rough flooring;
  • Poor or faulty lighting making it hard to see where to walk;
  • Highly polished floor surface making it very slippery.

When a PI Claim Against a Store is Necessary

If you have huge bills to pay and are wondering how you are going to pay them when you know that someone at the store was at fault and caused the accident that gave you the injuries, you will no doubt be considering taking legal action. A possible scenario that could be the trigger for a claim against the store management might be if you had slipped over n a recently cleaned floor.

Usually, cleaners warn customers to be careful and you will be familiar with the typical yellow cleaning signs. If the store workers had not put these up, you may have reasonable grounds for claiming that your injuries were due to negligence.

How a PI Lawyer Can Help With Your Lawsuit

Many stores likely have good lawyers to protect it from potential lawsuits, as well as an insurance company that is unlikely to want to make any payments on behalf of its client. It makes sense to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as you can if you are thinking of making a claim, particularly as most personal injury attorneys defer legal fees until a settlement is made in your favor.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Michael’s Stores Inc., or any other company, you may not be entitled to any compensation.