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Slip and Fall Injuries at a Mobil Gas Station*

Few people worry about rolling up to a gas station to fill up on gas. Many of these gas stations have a diner attached or a convenience store where you can find something to eat or drink to take away. What many people don’t realize is that once you are out of the car, you are exposed to any hazards that may be around.

If you slip and fall and injure yourself, you may be facing substantial medical costs and lose some or all of your earnings if your injuries are severe enough to keep you from working. You may be able to recover all of these costs if your accident was avoidable and caused by a gas station operator or employees.

If this sounds like your situation, you may want to talk to an accident attorney as soon as you can. Don’t wait too long; the earlier you start gathering evidence, the easier it will be to build your case.

Slip and Fall Accidents Can Lead to Being Injured at a Gas Station

The most common types of accidents that occur at a gas station or an adjoining store or fast food restaurant are slip and fall accidents. These are very diverse in nature, and the severity of the injury or injuries depends on exactly how the accident takes place.

Gas stations tend to have a lot of obstructions scattered around them and if a person slips, falls over, and hits part of his or her body on something sharp or hard, the injury could be more serious.

Typical slip and fall injuries include:

  • superficial cuts and bruises: these are relatively minor and by themselves don’t really justify the effort of making a personal injury claim;
  • broken bones: the potential for multiple fractures exists if the fall is awkward or onto a sharp or hard object;
  • sprained joints or dislocations, especially ankles and wrists;
  • chemical burns and damage to the skin from contact with toxic chemicals spilled on the ground;
  • severe injuries like spinal cord damage and brain damage.

While these injuries can be a common result of hazardous conditions at a gas station, it's not an exhaustive list. For information about car accidents in this type of situation, please see our page:
Car Accidents at a Mobil Gas Station.

Contact a PI Attorney Soon if You Were Injured at a Gas Station

If you have been badly injured at a Mobil gas station, or any other gas station, and are sure that the business owner was the one responsible, you may have a chance of receiving compensation. Usually, this is not an easy process, especially if you try and tackle it by yourself.

The best option is to first talk with a personal injury attorney about the chances of a successful claim being achieved based on the evidence you have available. If the attorney suggests that your claim is worth pursuing, it may be advisable to let him or her pursue your case on your behalf.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Mobil, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.