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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Shaw’s Store*

There is nothing worse than being involved in a slip and fall accident that was not your fault. These days these accidents are usual events typically taking place in grocery stores and supermarkets.

They aren’t usually the fault of the customer but they are jus as likely caused by the negligent behavior of the staff, either managing or working in the store.

If you have been a victim of this sort of slip and fall accident you may need to contact a personal injury attorney to find out of you are eligible to file a personal injury compensation to cover the financial hardship of an accident that was not your fault.

How a Slip and Fall Injury Can Happen in Any Store

Even though your local supermarket seems to have a large workforce, it may not have enough personnel to ensure slip and fall accidents don’t happen. This means busy employees don’t have the chance to patrol the grocery store to see if any hazards have been caused by clumsy customers.

The majority of slip and fall accidents are a result of an unsuspecting customer slipping over on a substance lying on the floor that they don’t expect to be there.

There are other hazards that occur due to lack of care and attention in a store. These include badly positioned shelves, so products can be knocked off easily and overcrowded shelves making it difficult for a customer to remove an item without an adjacent one tumbling off the shelf at the same time.

Any slip and fall accidents that occur could attract a personal injury claim from the victim.

How an Attorney Can Help You With a Personal Injury Claim

f you have been the unfortunate victim of a slip and fall accident in a store and you know it wasn’t your fault you shouldn’t hesitate but contact a slip and fall attorney.

He or she will assess your eligibility to file a personal injury claim which will cover the cost of treating your injury and any other financial hardship that has been caused by the slip and fall accident.

The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against a Shaw’s Store or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.