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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Shopko Store*

You don’t visit a store worrying about having an accident. This sort of event is usually farthest from your mind as you browse the aisles. However, the fact is that some types of accidents tend to crop up anywhere if store employees don’t think about safety and how potential hazards could affect their customers.

If you have been injured in some type of accident in a store and blame the way the store was managed for your injuries, you should consider the possibility of recovering medical expenses and any lost earnings by filing a personal injury claim. An attorney will advise you on your chances.

Injuries That Can Happen in a Store

Injuries in a store are mostly of the slip and fall or trip and fall variety. Well managed stores rarely have accidents that are the fault of the management or the way the employees respond to hazards that emerge from time to time in their workplace.

If management does not address safety concerns, then accidents are more likely to happen and so are personal injury claims.

In a store, the most common accidents are of the slip and fall variety, especially when staff do not respond quickly enough to objects that have fallen into the path of customers, or floor covering is loose, torn or worn.

Slip and fall accidents may be less common in a variety store than in a supermarket or grocery store but may still happen if the floor surface is unnecessarily slippery.

This can happen if the floor has been cleaned, but the usual warning notices have not been erected to prevent customers from using the area until it dries.

A Personal Injury Attorney For Your Claim

You may feel justified in filing a claim for compensation if you think that the accident you had in a store could have been prevented, but this gut feeling may not be enough to win you a compensation payment. It is best to let a personal injury attorney do the negotiating on your behalf.

Most personal injury attorneys will provide a free consultation in which you can describe the basic details of your store accident and let the attorney make up his or her mind about the wisdom of pursuing a personal injury claim.

If you do go ahead with legal action the attorney will negotiate vigorously on your behalf.

The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Shopko, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.