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Slip and Fall Injuries in a Stir Crazy Restaurant*

You may be the most careful, alert person in the state but it’s hard to avoid trouble when someone else is neglecting to take care of their surroundings. Whenever you leave your own home, there is always the possibility that you could have an accident that is out of your control. But who is going to compensate you if you have to pay a lot of bills for medical treatment just because you got injured at Stir Crazy or another restaurant?

If you can prove who was to blame, then state laws allow you to file a claim against the person who was to blame for the accident. It’s best to use an attorney to help you prepare the claim and negotiate with the relevant insurance company.

Slip and Fall Injuries That Could Happen at a Restaurant

Slip and fall accidents are likely to happen anywhere where a hazard exists that could upset someone’s balance. The usual sorts of things that could happen somewhere like a restaurant include:

  • slipping over on greasy floor where food remains have fallen on to the floor by a messy diner and not cleaned up promptly by employees of the restaurant
  • wet floors that have been made wet by a staff member that were not properly advertised so that customers could avoid injury

You are entitled to make a personal injury claim against Stir Crazy, or any other property owner, as long as they were aware that a hazard existed but did nothing about it or if they had created the hazard themselves and were blasé about the potential danger it caused. Generally, well-managed restaurants are very unlikely to experience serious accidents.

If Injured, Consider a Personal Injury Claim

If you have an accident at a restaurant and can prove who was at fault, you should take your case to an experienced attorney even if you think you have the confidence to tackle it all by yourself. The record for compensation claims attempted solely by the victim is not particularly good. The personal injury attorney is likely to have substantial experience in this sort of case and it is wise to let him or her handle your case using their professional expertise.


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Stir Crazy, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.