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Slip-and-Fall Injuries in a Tops Friendly Market*

Unexpected slip, trip and fall accidents can be serious and result in injuries that are expensive to treat. If you fell because you weren’t concentrating, you cannot blame anyone else but yourself, but some accidents may not be your fault. If you visit a store, and and trip over a badly fitting carpet, your injuries might be blamed on the employees or owner of the store.

If you have medical bills to pay and are forced to take time off work, you may not have to bear the financial burden by yourself. Talk to a personal injury attorney about the possibility of a claim against the store management or owners. Personal injury compensation can help put you back on your feet financially.

Slip, Trip and Fall Injury Hazards in a Market

There are several common accident hazards in any supermarket, although well-managed establishments rarely experience serious accidents. If they do, it is unlikely to be the fault of anyone employed at the store. In some supermarkets, poor management lead to potential hazards either not being identified before they cause an accident or not being dealt with quickly enough. These are the reasons why you might be eligible for compensation against a supermarket after an avoidable accident.

Slippery floors are some of the most common hazards in a supermarket. Floors may be slippery because of produce that has slipped, leaked or spilled onto the floor. They may have become slippery because one of the employees had recently cleaned the floor but failed to warn customers about its hazardous condition.

Trip hazards also exist in supermarkets when goods find their way on to the floor or when cartons or other obstructions impede the path of a customer. Cables, pipes, tools or other objects that lie on the floor in a haphazard way may also lead to a trip and fall accident. Other accident causes are loose or torn floor covering.

It’s Best to Discuss Your Accident with a PI Attorney Before Filing a Claim for Compensation

You may feel that you have a good case against a supermarket owner or one f its employees after being injured, but actually winning a personal injury claim can be a long uphill battle. It is not made any easier by the attitude of insurance firms that are reluctant to admit liability if they can get away with it.

It’s best to discuss your accident and the injury it caused with an experienced personal injury attorney before filing a claim. The attorney will have dealt with many such claims before and will know whether you have a good chance of succeeding if you file a claim.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Tops Friendly Market, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.