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Oh No! I Fell At Tractor Supply And Need Legal Help*

Retail Chains and Personal Injury

Big retail chains, similar to Tractor Supply, have a lot of large, bulky merchandise, several salespeople and a lot of customers. These factors can turn the store into a crowded maze with potential slip-and-fall dangers lurking at every turn.

Unfortunately, anyone who has been injured in a slip-and-fall accident is all-too-familiar with the pain, frequent doctor’s visits, hospital stays, rehab and lost work time that can result from the accident.

Wondering where to turn for help in getting compensation for injuries only adds to the stress and anxiety of an already difficult situation.

Tractor Supply and other large retailers have a legal responsibility to make sure customers have a safe shopping experience inside the store and outside in parking lots and on sidewalks, in the store bathrooms and in other public areas.

Federal regulations require retailers to set and use safety procedures, and it’s in the best interest of the store to follow them. Still, accidents happen, and the store could be at fault.

Slip-and-fall hazards at a large retail store could include:

  • Smaller merchandise that has fallen or been knocked off shelves
  • Large merchandise, like trailers or mowers, with parts or pieces allowed to protrude into walking spaces
  • Improperly constructed or broken shelves and merchandise racks
  • Poorly placed or hard-to-see merchandise or signage
  • Slippery floors from spills not cleaned up by store employees
  • Wet floors caused by rainy or snowy weather conditions
  • Wet or dirty floors caused by mopping or sweeping done by employees
  • Ladders, dollies and other employee stocking implements left in the aisles
  • Loose rugs or damaged floor tiles in the store
  • Ice, snow or puddles not properly removed in the parking lot or outside merchandise display areas
  • Inadequate lighting inside or outside the store

No doubt the company’s high-priced lawyers are experts in defending personal injury claims. However, slip-and-fall victims should not be afraid to seek compensation for their injuries. Immediately contact an experienced personal injury lawyer if you feel you feel you have a lawsuit resulting from a fall. A lawyer will help you through the claims process and, in many cases, may agree not to be paid unless you win your case.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Tractor Supply, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.