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Help, I Slipped On A Wet Floor At Winn Dixie*

When you go shopping, it is only normal to expect that the premises are free from obstacles, such as debris, spills, or maintenance issues. If you go in a grocery store and slip on a wet floor, it is most likely caused by the negligence of the workers.

If there is a spill, it should be cleaned up right away or a wet floor warning sign should be set up so you will use extreme caution and not slip and fall. If you slipped on a wet floor, you will may want to pursue a personal injury claim against the store to recover compensation for the damages that you obtained as from the slip and fall.

What To Do If You Slipped And Fell At the Grocery Store

If you slipped and fell on a wet floor in a supermarket while shopping, be sure to report it to the store management. They will need to file an accident report and maintain records that indicate there was an accident in their store.

If possible, get photos of the accident scene. You will need to get the contact information and names of any witnesses because you might need their corroborating statements to support your case.

It is essential to establish medical treatment for your injuries right away. Failure to do so might make it appear as though your injuries didn’t occur while you were at the supermarket or were pre-existing.

Maintain as much documentation and evidence to support your claim. This includes evidence like medical bills, evidence that you missed work and subsequently lost wages, a copy of the accident report, any witness statements, and anything else that might show your injuries occurred when you slipped and fell in the store.

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer

Every state has a statute of limitations for pursuing a personal injury claim against the liable party. If you wait until it is too late, you cannot recover compensation for your damages. Personal injury claims can be difficult to successful win, so if you have suffered injuries when you slipped on a wet floor in a grocery store you will likely need the legal assistance of a an personal injury attorney who is licensed to practice in your state.

You will not have upfront costs or out-of-pocket expenses because personal injury lawyers work on the contingency basis. That means your attorney isn’t paid until you have won your claim against the store. Get your Free Case Evaluation today, so you can determine the best way to recover compensation for your losses from the fall caused by the negligence of the employees.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Winn Dixie or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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