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Slip and Fall in Traffic

What is a personal injury claim?

Whenever a person suffers personal injuries, due to an accident or negligence of someone, he can gain compensation for his injuries. A personal injury claim makes an injured person liable for damage compensation from the court.

A personal injury claim is known to have a lot of financial benefits:

  • The claim amount can aid the injured person in paying medical bills and expenses.
  • The claim amount can help out the injured person with some healing time, until he doesn’t report to work.
  • The claim amount also covers other losses and expenses incurred from the personal injury.

Situations at hand in personal injury case

A slip and fall traffic injury may result either from someone else’s negligence or due to one’s own fault leading to the accident.

One should note that injuries occurring from slip and fall in traffic may lead to dangerous outcome if not dealt in an efficient manner. A person getting injured in a traffic accident might ignore the seriousness of his injuries initially, but the injuries may prove fatal as the time passes.

Variety of injuries can occur due to a slip and fall into traffic:

  • Head injuries: Head injuries are the most common injuries that erupt from a slip and fall into traffic. These types of injuries can damage the brain severely, thus worsening the victim’s condition.
  • Neck, back and spine injuries: Injuries affecting the neck, back and spine may develop chronic pain or may even need a surgery depending on how worse the injury is.
  • Broken hips or broken pelvis: Other pain inflicting injuries from slip and fall into traffic include broken hips or broken pelvis. There are times when these injuries take long durations to recuperate.
  • Torn tendons and ligaments: Torn tendons and ligament target feet, knees and wrists. The injured person may need to follow a productive therapy session for maximum benefits. Else these types of injuries are also famous permanent damage to the affected area.

Claim conditions for slip and fall in traffic

Whenever a person sustains injuries from slipping and falling in traffic due to someone else’ negligence, he is entitled for compensation in any of the following circumstance:

  • The driver of the vehicle or its owner has deliberately led to the situation of accident.
  • The driver of the vehicle or its owner may have known a dangerous spot but did not care to avert it leading to the accident.
  • The driver of the vehicle or its owner should have tried to find out any vulnerable spot on the road. They should have brought it to the notice of the authorities.

Determining the fault in slip and fall traffic accidents

The comparative fault law allows a victim to claim his desired compensation amount in case he is proved to be at a fault. There are few conditions that help find whether the victim is guilty or not. The fault can be determined by analyzing

  • Whether the victim had indulged in over speeding or did not care to follow traffic rules
  • Whether any other person at the same spot could have avoided or reduced the impact of injury suffered
  • Whether any warning or barrier had been set at the place of the accident which was not obeyed by the injured person
  • Whether the injured person engage in any activity that resulted in his slip and fall into traffic

Seeking legal support

After a person experiences personal injury after a slip and fall into traffic, the first thing he looks for is compensation. Statues of limitations regulate the time period under which an injured person can file his case for a claim. With the help of an attorney, the victim can get his case reviewed as well as get legal guidance. This can greatly help the victim in availing a compensation for his personal injuries.