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Hit by a USPS Truck While Parked?*

If you were parked in your vehicle and another vehicle, such as a USPS truck, ran into you while you were parked, you may not have been at fault unless you were parked illegally. There are numerous accidents every year that are a result of a truck or car striking a car that is parked.

These accidents can be the result of inattentive drivers, distracted driving, speeding, mechanical failure, or just plain driver inexperience. These injuries can result in major damage to your vehicle and personal property, but if you are in the car they can also lead to injuries. If you have been hit by a USPS truck, or any other mail truck, you might be eligible for a personal injury claim.

If you were sitting in your parked car when it was hit, you might suffer injuries. Here are some examples of the injuries you might suffer:

  • You weren't expecting the crash, so you were doing paperwork while unbuckled. The crash threw you around and hurt your back and neck.
  • You were thrown into the steering wheel and suffered chest and rib injuries.
  • The impact caused your head to be thrown forward, causing neck injuries and a concussion when you struck your head on the dash.
  • You saw the truck, so you tried to brace yourself and suffered wrist and hand injuries.
  • Your face struck the side window and steering wheel, which caused bruising, lacerations, and swelling.
  • Your legs and knees hit the dash, so you suffered serious bruising and knee and leg injuries.

Determining Fault After a Crash

It is more challenging to determine which driver was at fault in some crashes than others. In this case, it is much easier to determine who was at fault. If you were properly parked in a parking spot, it is more likely than not that the other driver was at fault.

The officer completing the accident report will interview both drivers, all the witnesses, and assess the accident scene and damage. The officer will try to determine what caused the crash as well, such as inattentiveness, poor visibility, speeding, or something else.

How to Start Your Claim and How a PI Attorney Can Help

If you have suffered injuries and your car has been damaged as a result of a truck running into you while you were parked, you might want to consider filing a personal injury (PI) claim to recover your the damages from a company hitting your parked car. A PI claim can help you recover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pay for your property damage.

A personal injury attorney is not paid until your case has been won, so you have nothing to lose. You should consult with a PI attorney right away to get your claim filed and your attorney can work toward a fair settlement.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against USPS, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.