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What To Do If A PI Settlement Offer Is Low

Submitted by amm on

If you are working on a personal injury settlement, the insurance may come in with a low settlement offer. You can submit a counteroffer to get a higher settlement. You should know the value of your claim and make sure you do not settle for less than you deserve for your injuries and damages. Here is what you should do if you are working to reach a PI settlement.

What Are Emotional Distress Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

Submitted by amm on

Emotional distress damages are designed to compensate you for the psychological impact your injury has had on your daily life. Emotional distress is considered a non-economic damage. Compensation amounts are based on the impact the distress has had on the person’s life. It is an important part of any personal injury claim as emotional distress can have a financial impact as the victim often cannot return to work until fully recovered from the emotional effects of the accident and injury.

Why Is My Car Accident Claim Going To Arbitration?

Submitted by amm on

When you and your attorney cannot reach an agreement on a personal injury settlement, your claim will advance to arbitration. This often happens after a car accident where the insurance company does not agree with the severity of injuries or the damages you are claiming. Here is a closer look at what happens when your car accident claim goes into arbitration and what you should expect when going through the arbitration process after a car accident.

Understanding the Term “Personal Injury”

Submitted by amm on

Personal injury law addresses the physical and emotional harm caused by one or more acts of negligence that are committed by another party. The primary goal of a personal injury claim is for the victim to receive compensation for diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating one or more injuries, as well as cover the costs associated with property damages and lost wages.

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident

Submitted by rsg on

A slip and fall accident could take place anywhere. By law, buildings, homes, parking lots, and walkways must be maintained to ensure that those who use them are able to do so safely. This is a responsibility known as premises liability.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident you may be entitled to file a personal injury claim from the person who owned the place where the accident took place. You would need to prove the place was not maintained to a safe standard or the person responsible knowingly maintained the place in a dangerous condition.

How Can I Find A Personal Injury Attorney Near Me?

Submitted by cm on

If you have suffered injuries in an accident, you may be thinking “how can I find a personal injury attorney near me?” There are many resources available to help you find the right accident injury lawyer.

You can do an online search, contact your local bar association, from friends and family or through this website. To get the highest possible settlement for your injuries and damages, enlist the help of a knowledgeable PI attorney who can help you negotiate a settlement and gather evidence.

Social Media and Your Personal Injury Claim

Submitted by amm on

Social media has become one of the pillars of life. Individuals use it to stay in touch and businesses gain exposure by posting on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. For all the good that social media delivers, it can come back to bite users that post the wrong information online. This is particularly true of personal injury victims. One social media post can make the difference between winning a favorable judgment and walking out of a courtroom with just lint in your pockets.

What Kinds of Compensation Can I Receive in a Car Accident Claim?

Submitted by cm on

If you sustained one or more injuries caused by a car accident, you might be eligible to receive compensation in the form of monetary damages.

To prove negligence, your personal injury attorney has to submit evidence such as copies of medical bills and the receipts that describe how much money you lost in property damage. Most victims do not know what types of compensation are available after an auto accident.

You have the right to ask for compensation that covers more expenses than just medical bills and lost wages.