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Personal Injury Claim Checklists

Have you been involved in a serious car crash, or were you injured at a major department store due to an employee's negligence? If so, you may be eligible for a personal injury claim. If you successfully file a PI claim, you may be eligible for damages to help pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering.

Why Use a Checklist?

It's hard to stay calm immediately after an accident. You may be worried about how serious your injuries are, how your job will be affected, and if your family is OK if you were involved in an auto accident. A checklist can help you prepare for a claim after the accident, or help you gather evidence at the scene of the accident for a future lawsuit.

Personal injury claims are very complicated insurance claims, and sometimes become complex lawsuits in court. If you aren't fully prepared to file the correct paperwork or represent yourself in court, you claim could be dismissed. A checklist can help ensure you have all of the documentation you need to win your case.

Why Work With a Lawyer?

When you work with a personal injury lawyer, you know you'll have someone experienced in personal injury law in your state helping you prepare your case. A PI attorney can help you gather evidence to prove you weren't at fault at an accident, coordinate paperwork with the local police and an insurance company, write a demand letter to insurance, and even represent you in court if need be.

Here are some checklists that may help you with your personal injury case. Again, if you need additional assistance, a personal injury lawyer is your best resource. You can connect with a lawyer if you fill out our Free Case Evaluation on this page.

Checklists for Auto Accidents:

Checklists for Slip and Falls: