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Checklist for When Hit Merging on the Highway

Merging onto a highway can be nerve-racking at times. It can be just as dangerous for those already on the highway. It’s sometimes hard to know whether a merging vehicle will yield as it approaches the inside lane. It may be impossible to switch lanes to avoid the merging vehicle.

Merging accidents can cause significant damage to the vehicles involved, as well as potential multi-vehicle pile ups and serious injuries. If you have been hit by a merging vehicle, it is very likely that you were not at fault.

You may have a good case for claiming compensation through a personal injury claim. Talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can after the accident to discuss making a claim.

Damages Due to a Merging Accident

Merging accidents are rarely minor because the vehicle already on the highway is likely to be traveling at a fast speed. Merging accidents are most often high speed crashes and can involve other vehicles, too.

The accident victim will be seeking substantial damages in a personal injury claim against the merging driver. Damages would include repairs to the vehicle hit or replacement, repayment of medical costs, compensation for any lost earnings and compensation for any emotional suffering caused by the accident.

What You Could do at the Site of the Accident

It is possible that you are so seriously injured in a merging accident that you would be unable to do anything. If you are able to do so, below are some actions that should be taken at the accident site.

  • The priority is to deal with injuries and ensure that survivors of the crash are safe from other traffic until medical help and police arrive at the scene.
  • You may need to call for an ambulance and should definitely call for police.
  • You could talk to anyone who stops to assist and may have witnessed the accident. Gather their statements and contact information.
  • You will certainly need to exchange insurance and contact details with the other driver and cooperate with police when they arrive.
  • If you have a camera with you or a cell phone that takes pictures, you should photograph the crash scene as this could help support a claim when you make it later.

Checklist for When Hit By a Merging Vehicle

What Should Be Done After Leaving the Accident?

Post accident, there are still measures that must be taken to make sure you have everything for a personal injury clam.

  • You should notify your insurer about the accident. You may have to rely on them if you are in a no-fault state if your own injuries are not serious.
  • You may also have to rely on them if the merging driver did not stop and police do not catch the driver.
  • Make sure you get a copy of the police report compiled at the crash scene.
  • Contact a lawyer to discuss the accident. The lawyer will let you know whether it is sensible to proceed with a claim and give you advice about documentation you will need to provide.
  • When you file the claim with the merging driver’s insurer you will need to indicate the amount you are claiming and back this up with documentation and why you think the merging driver was liable.
  • Include the medical bills, doctor’s report, photos taken at the crash scene, a damage report from the auto repair shop and the police report.

Why You Should Contact a Lawyer

You will find that dealing with an insurance adjuster all by yourself quite intimidating. Merging driver accidents should be straightforward as merging drivers are expected to yield to traffic already on the highway, but you are advised to use a personal injury lawyer throughout the claim process. Use the Free Case Evaluation Form available on this page to help you choose a suitable lawyer.

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