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Other Driver Didn't Use Turn Signal In Indiana

If you have been involved in an auto accident in Indiana because the other driver didn't use a turn signal, you might be eligible to file a personal injury claim against the other driver. Through a personal injury claim, you can recover compensation for the damages that you suffered as a result of an accident.

Using modified comparative fault, you can pursue damages from the other driver as long as you were no more than 51% at fault for the crash. If the driver who failed to use a turn signal was 49% to blame, you can pursue compensation for your damages from him or her. You should consult with an Indiana personal injury lawyer if you have been involved in such an accident.

How Negligence Impacts An Accident Where The Driver Didn't Use Turn Signal In Indiana

Negligence is a leading contributor to car accidents. If you can prove that the other driver was negligent, you can build a strong personal injury claim. Failing to signal is in itself negligence. Drivers are not to make improper lane changes. If you don't use your signal, you are making an improper lane change.

The accident report and eyewitness statements can help establish this was what led to the accident. Other negligent acts that might lead to a crash are speeding or driving while distracted. A strong personal injury claim focuses on the negligence of the driver.

Other Drive Didn't Use Signal In Indiana

Damages That Might Result From An Accident Caused By Driver Not Using Turn Signal In Indiana

Of course, your vehicle will be damaged as a result of the auto accident. Take photos of any damages and take your vehicle to a qualified repair shop so a written estimate for repairs can be prepared. Also, keep any tow bills and any receipts for rental cars used while your vehicle is inoperable. Your injuries will lead to medical expenses, so keep medical records and medical bills. You might have future medical expenses as well, so that should be noted.

Document any lost wages caused by missed work and be sure to note any future loss of earnings expected by the injuries. Pain and suffering, mental trauma, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life are some other damages that you might suffer.

Consult With An Indiana Personal Injury Attorney

If you have suffered damages because of the accident resulting from a driver not using a turn signal, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer about pursuing an Indiana personal injury claim. Through a claim, you might be able to get compensation for the damages that you suffered as a result of the accident.

Your attorney will gather evidence and documentation to support your claim, talk to eyewitnesses, and even conduct his or her investigation into the cause of the crash. Because auto accident injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, you have nothing to lose and no upfront costs. Schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury attorney today.

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