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What to Do if Injured From a Slip and Fall at a Circle K Store*

Slip and fall injuries may seem to be minor, but in fact they can be very serious with important financial consequences.

Medical costs and lost wages can have a serious impact on family finances.

Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common types of accidents in convenience grocery stores like Circle K stores.

They typically occur when a customer slips on a slippery or loose surface.

Convenience stores are expected to make their stores as safe as possible for their customers.

That includes making sure that any slip and fall hazard like a spilled bottle of liquid on the floor is cleaned up as soon as possible.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident and believe it was due to the negligence of store staff or management, you have the right to pursue compensation from the company.

Successful claims are certainly possible as long as you have sufficient evidence that your injury was not your fault and was the result of poor safety standards at the store.

Injuries From a Slip and Fall at a Convenience Store

Most slip and fall accidents happen on slippery floors, typically caused by leakages or spillages of wet or sticky substances.

Injuries can vary from the very minor, such as scrapes and bruises right through to serious spinal and brain injuries.

The seriousness of a slip and fall injury often depends on the unique circumstances of the fall and what part of the body hits the floor or other surfaces first.

Common injuries include:

  • sprains and strains;
  • dislocations;
  • cuts, gashes and bruises;
  • burns and scalds;
  • broken bones and teeth;
  • back injuries head and brain injuries.

Evidence to Prove Your Injury was from a Convenience Store Slip and Fall Injury

Some evidence is better than others when trying to show proof of negligence. This evidence may include some or all of the following:

  • statements from eye witnesses;
  • video footage obtained from security cameras located close to where the accident took place;
  • our own photographic evidence taken of the cause of the slip and fall, your injuries, etc.;
  • your doctor’s assessment of your injuries.


Get Help With Your Claim

Slip and fall injury compensation claims are not always straightforward.

The store may admit fault and make your claim easy or may challenge your claim and even allege that you were to blame for your own injuries.

You can get help from an experienced personal injury attorney who can discuss your legal options and what evidence you should submit with your claim.

To help you find a suitable attorney use the Free Case Evaluation form above.

*Disclaimer: The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Circle K Store, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.

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