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This is What to Do If You Fell at a Circle K*

Injuries that are not your fault can have serious financial consequences. Even if you think you have adequate medical insurance, you may not be covered by a serious injury like brain damage caused by a slip and fall accident on private property.

Whenever you leave your own home there is always the possibility, however small, that someone else could be careless enough to cause an accident in which you are badly injured. All states across the U.S. make provision for claiming compensation in the event that you are injured as a result of negligence, but you must have sufficient proof of what happened and how it impacted on you.

In all cases of injury on private property it is sensible to consult with an appropriate lawyer to discuss the possibility of making a personal injury claim.

Accident Scenarios at a Convenience Store

If you are injured at a Circle K or any convenience store or gas station and you believe that the accident should never have happened, you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim. Your chance of successful legal action depends on the severity of the injuries and whether you have substantial evidence that the management or employees were at fault.

If you only suffer from superficial injuries such as cuts and bruises it may not be worth making a personal injury claim. If you have a broken arm or have knocked out any number of teeth, then this will mean a big medical bill to put everything right again.

You may have to stay at home, or in hospital, for several days or weeks and find your employer is not particularly sympathetic to your injuries, even if they weren’t your fault. Some serious injuries like spinal cord damage may incapacitate you for the rest of your life.

While many accidents occur inside of a gas station, many can also happen outside as well. For more information about car accidents at a Circle-K or any other convenience store, please see our page: Car Accidents at a Circle K Gas Station.

There is a huge difference between trying to negotiate a compensation package with a large and powerful corporation by yourself and using an experienced and resourceful personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney will have seen cases like yours before and can help put pressure on the defendant and the defendant’s insurance company.

In most cases, a personal injury attorney will work on a contingency fee basis and therefore you won’t need to pay any up front legal fees.

If you are considering filing a claim against a store, you may want to take a look at our page about filing a claim against them:

How To File A Personal Injury Claim Against Circle K or a Similar Store


The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Circle K or any other party you may not be entitled to any compensation.