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Slip and Fall Injuries in a BP Gas Station*

Gas stations are essential to our daily needs as they provide the gas to enable us to move from place to place in relative comfort. They can often get crowded with lines of vehicles waiting to fill up. You have probably never thought that you could slip and fall unexpectedly in a gas station.

You may be surprised to know that many customers do slip and fall and some experience some quite serious injuries. These accidents can be severe enough to keep them off work for lengthy periods of time which can be a financial burden. If you have been injured in a slip and fall don’t waste any time contacting your insurer as they will try to ignore you. Contact a personal injury attorney who will assess your eligibility to file a personal injury claim.

Injuries That Could Happen After a Slip and Fall in a Gas Station

BP, like any established gas station, are busy places with the constant coming and going of vehicles. Despite that, you might not have thought it would be a place where someone could easily slip and fall and be injured seriously. Slip and fall incidents are quite common and its' hazards often go unnoticed, like oil or gas dropped on the floor. Despite the manager’s obligation to ensure consumers are coming to a safe place, there aren't enough on duty to take care of the premises properly.

If you slip and fall on a hazard at BP, or any gas station the result could be serious, such as facial lacerations if you hit your face on glass. If you slip and fall backwards you could inure your spine and be in bed for weeks recovering. This is not the sort of thing you would expect to happen while you are re-fueling your car.

What to Do if You are Injured in a Slip and Fall

You may be entitled to file a personal injury claim against the plaintiff who's negligence who caused your accident and/or injury. It is recommended that you seek professional legal help from an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in cases as a result of a slip and fall in a gas station.


*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against BP, or another party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.