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Personal Injury Help in Nevada

If you have experienced a personal injury in Nevada you may be eligible for compensation by filing a personal injury claim. There are several types of personal injuries covered by personal injury claims including, auto accidents, slip and fall, motor cycle accidents, truck accidents and many more.

Before filing a personal injury claim it is important to seek personal injury help in Nevada first. This may help you to get the best settlement for injuries in an accident that was not your fault.

How Do I File a Claim in Nevada?

As soon as you have been injured and you are sure the accident was not your fault you should begin to collect as much evidence as you are able to do which proves the injury you received and accident were not your fault. This could include the following:

  • surveillance camera images taken at the accident site such as a slip and fall in a supermarket or parking lot;
  • photographs taken by you or witnesses at the scene of the accident which prove who caused the accident;
  • medical reports provided by your physician showing the diagnosis for the injuries with likely recovery time;
  • eye witnesses written reports of the accident;
  • a police report, if the accident involved police such as in a car, truck or other motor vehicle accident.

When you have the evidence at your fingertips you should be seeking Nevada personal injury help from a Nevada personal injury lawyer.

A personal injury claim in Nevada is more likely to be won if a Nevada lawyer works on your behalf and negotiates with the insurance company of the person who caused your injury. Most accident cases are resolved through negotiations and an out of court settlement and rarely is a court appearance required.

Once your lawyer has filed your claim on your behalf the insurance company of the person who caused the accident will proceed with an investigation into your case and either offer you a settlement amount or deny your claim.

If you believe the insurance company is not compensating you for all the financial and emotional hardship caused by your injury you may file an appeal to the insurance company’s claims supervisor. Before starting the claims process you need to check Nevada State’s statute of limitations.

Personal Injury Help in Nevada

What Is the Statute of Limitations in Nevada?

Nevada’s civil statute of limitations is responsible for imposing deadlines on civil actions such as personal injury claims under which lawsuits and other civil actions must be filed in the state of Nevada.

If you fail to file your personal injury claim within the time frame set by the statute of limitations which is 2 years from the date of the injury in Nevada the party you are filing against may use the statute of limitations in their defense and file a motion to dismiss the case on the basis that the time allotted to file it has already passed. Any legal claim will be lost forever once your case is dismissed.

How Do I Prove Negligence in Nevada?

The main way for proving negligence for an injury in an accident in Nevada is to present the best possible evidence to the insurer of the person or entity who is at fault.

Negligence is a commonly used legal standard in many kinds of lawsuits, including personal injury cases. Ordinary negligence is when the defendant acted negligently by not using the degree of care expected to prevent an accident taking place. Because of this action the victim of the personal injury suffered the following:

  • an injury or property damage.
  • injuries which are serious enough to warrant filing a personal injury claim.

    There is also Nevada’s modified comparative negligence statute to consider if the victim of the accident is more than 50 percent at fault, he or she cannot recover any compensation at all.

    What Kind of Compensation Can I Receive in Nevada?

    Most personal injury claims in Nevada cover the following calculations:

    • loss of life’s enjoyment;
    • loss of wages or salary;
    • cost of medical treatment up to recovery;
    • pain and suffering;
    • punitive damages.

    How Do I Get Personal Injury Help in Nevada?

    As soon as you have the evidence available which proves who caused your accident and injury you should begin a personal injury claim in Nevada.

    This is the time to seek personal injury help in Nevada You should select a personal injury lawyer who has a vast amount of experience at winning settlements for your type of accident and injury. Most Nevada personal injury attorneys offer a free case evaluation before the personal injury claim starts.

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